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The main feature of the CRUDRouter is its automatic route generation. Below, we'll discuss how you can prefix, customize, or disable any of the generated routes.

Default Routes

By default, the CRUDRouter will automatically generate the following six routes for you.

Route Method Description
/ GET Get all documents
/ POST Create a new document
/{id} GET Get a document by id
/{id} PUT Replace a document by id
/{id} PATCH Update a document by id
/{id} DELETE Delete a document by id

Route URLs

Note that the route url is prefixed by the defined prefix.

Example: If the CRUDRouter's prefix is configured as "users" and I intend to update a particular user, the route I should access is /users/my_user_id, where my_user_id represents the ID of the user.


The route prefix is required and can be configured within the CRUDRouter instance.

    prefix="/my_prefix", # <--- right here

Disabling Routes

In certain situations, you may wish to deactivate a route that has been enabled by default in the CRUDRouter.

Param Name Default Value Type Description Default Behavior
disable_get_all False bool Disable get all route Get all route is enable / visible
disable_get_one False bool Disable get by id route Get by id route is enable / visible
disable_create_one False bool Disable create by id route Create by id route is enable / visible
disable_replace_one False bool Disable replace by id route Replace by id route is enable / visible
disable_update_one False bool Disable update by id route Update by id route is enable / visible
disable_delete_one False bool Disable delete by id route Delete by id route is enable / visible

Disable a route

To disable a route just add this parameter to your route to disable it

user = CRUDRouter(
    disable_get_all=True, # <--- Here the 'get_all' route is disable

Add Custom Dependencies to a Route

Given the ability to disable certain routes, you may also consider adding custom dependencies to one of them.

Param Name Default Value Type Description Default Behavior
dependencies_get_all None Sequence[Depends] Add custom dependencies Default router dependencies
dependencies_get_one None Sequence[Depends] Add custom dependencies Default router dependencies
dependencies_create_one None Sequence[Depends] Add custom dependencies Default router dependencies
dependencies_replace_one None Sequence[Depends] Add custom dependencies Default router dependencies
dependencies_update_one None Sequence[Depends] Add custom dependencies Default router dependencies
dependencies_delete_one None Sequence[Depends] Add custom dependencies Default router dependencies

Add custom dependency to a route

To disable a route just add this parameter to your route to disable it

user = CRUDRouter(
    dependencies_get_one=[Depends(verify_admin)], # <--- Here the 'get_one' route will use your dependency

Overrind Routes

While overriding routes is a default capability in FastAPI, it hasn't been implemented yet in the CRUDRouter. Therefore, you may require some additional configuration to override a default route.

Routes in the CRUDRouter can be overridden by using the standard fastapi route decorators. These include:

  • @router.get(path: str, *args, **kwargs)
  • str, *args, **kwargs)
  • @router.put(path: str, *args, **kwargs)
  • @router.delete(path: str, *args, **kwargs)
  • @router.api_route(path: str, methods: List[str] = ['GET'], *args, **kwargs)


All routes within the CRUDRouter are subclasses of FastAPI's APIRouter, allowing for extensive customization to suit your needs.

Overriding Example

Here's an example where we override the routes for /users when using the CRUDRouter.

from typing import Annotated
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi_crudrouter_mongodb import (
import motor.motor_asyncio

# Database connection using motor
client = motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/local")

# store the database in a global variable
db = client.local

# Database Model
class UserModel(MongoModel):
    id: Annotated[ObjectId, MongoObjectId] | None = None
    name: str
    email: str
    password: str

# Instantiating the CRUDRouter, and a lookup for the messages
# a User is a model that contains a list of embedded addresses and related to multiple messages

users_router = CRUDRouter(
    disable_get_all=True, # <--- disabling the route is needed to override it

@users_router.get('/') # you can add a '/' to make it iso to the previous one's
def overrides_get_all():
    return "My overrided route that returns all the users"

# Instantiating the FastAPI app
app = FastAPI()