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The latest addition to the CRUDRouter is the CRUDEmbed feature. It enables you to nest a model within another model, akin to a lookup but with distinct functionality. CRUDEmbed is utilized for storing a list of elements within your primary model in the collection, resembling a one-to-many relationship.

How to use it ?

Unlike previous version the embed will not be detected automatically You will need to write it explicitly

# Embed model
class AddressModel(MongoModel):
    id: Annotated[ObjectId, MongoObjectId] | None = None
    street: str
    zip_code: str

# Parent model
class UserModel(MongoModel):
    id: Annotated[ObjectId, MongoObjectId] | None = None
    name: str
    addresses: Optional[list[AddressModel]] = [] # define explicitly that this field will be an embed

# define the CRUDEmbed class
addresses_embed = CRUDEmbed(model=AddressModel, embed_name="addresses")
# add it to the CRUDRouter
users_router = CRUDRouter(

Output Schema

You may wish to include the embed in the output schema of the base model.

Here is how you can achieve it

# Model Out -> Schema
class UserModelOut(MongoModel):
    id: str
    name: str
    addresses: list[AddressModel] = [] # This is our embed list 


The CRUDRouter will automatically add the following routes to the parent model :

Route Method Description
/embeds GET Get all documents
/embeds POST Create a new document
/embeds/{id} GET Get a document by id
/embeds/{id} PUT Update a document by id
/embeds/{id} DELETE Delete a document by id

OpenAPI Result

But it will also add the routes above to the embed model OpenAPI schema.

CRUDRouter OpenAPI schema